In Post-Production...
"Love, Death, & Extinction" A series of short stories by Annie Lees-Jones
Based on the unique style of Love, Death, & Robots these selection of shorts range from silent comedy, action-drama, and animation'

Format: Short Film
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Action, Sci-Fi
Running Time: See Individual Films
Production Status: Post-Production
Certified: 15
TAGLINE: Love, Death & Extinction
LOGLINE: See Indiviiduall Films
COMPARABLES: Black Mirror, | Love, Death & Robots
Producer Statement - Annie Lees-Jones
"WELL MADE FILMS brings you an anthology of short films both live action and animation themed around our beautiful planet and the fight against extinction. This collection of comedy, drama and fantasy shorts, each under 5 minutes in length were written and produced by Annie Lees-Jones. Our mission is to deliver a collection of high quality films that use humour and drama reflecting the impact of man on Earth; ‘Click’, a parody on overpopulation, ‘Inferno’, our desire of social media popularity clouding our judgement against the forces of nature and ‘C2H4’, what if plastic surgery in the future meant the removal of plastics from our DNA?
Market analysis shows there is high demand for high quality, climate shorts, capturing audience attention and trending on social media and festivals to contend for distribution. These films are aimed at fans of micro-shorts giving the script, cinematography, and concept centre stage adding to its originality. An anthology of films that can build its portfolio with fellow creatives to create a groundbreaking collection."
If you have a short film to add to this anthology, we want to hear from you! Currently the series features Click, Inferno, C2H4… contact us for more info! We will take to market with all films under Man vs Earth and distribution percentage per film on any commissions.