In Development...
Happy Birthday, Ollie Steemson (2024)
A Dark Comedy Thriller by Jamie Benyon
'The creative team behind 'Two Minutes' brings you a new gripping dark comedy thriller'
Format: Short Film
Genre: Dark Comedy Drama
Running Time: 15 mins
Production Status: Development
Certified: 15
TAGLINE: Don't be paranoid.
LOGLINE: On the night of his 30th birthday, Ollie Steemson discovers his family are plotting to murder him,
COMPARABLES: The Kill List, Fanny & Alexander, Vengeance Trilogy
Producer Statement - Annie Lees-Jones
"“Having worked with Jamie on Two Minutes and bringing together such a fantastic production team this film is equally enthusing for all involved. Confidently determined to deliver a high quality gripping dark comedy using exciting cinematic techniques with continuous shots bringing a unique edge to the screen. Following the success of 'Two Minutes' being shortlisted in the humour category for the '1.4 Awards of Brilliant Filmmaking' we are now in the finance and development stages for this production..
More news to follow soon........